Thursday, June 2, 2011


Salaam 'Alaikum y'all

I feel pretty much like the above picture:
* Blue all over (partly because of the extreme cold; -4/13 degrees yesterday)

* Hair standing on ends

* Watery-eyed

* Decreased desire to change - the warm gowns and multiple jerseys work well enough. Comical colour combinations makes it embarrassing to go out.

* Red nose - everyone has a constant nasal drip, Wintertime in Bloem.

* 2 cups of Coffee (both are mine). I need more coffee mugs.

* Overall an unpleasant sight.

* Oh ya, in need of hugs as well *females only*

All the best to all of you that are writing exams. May you be surprised at your own abilities, InshAllah. Ameen

#urgent request for Du'aas for Bint Mahmood, writing on the 7th, 10th & 14th of June
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Sabeehah said...

Aw shame dear are things really that bad? Don't worry, soon it will be the hols and u comin home Yay:)

SS said...

and the monobrow ??? :)

Bint Mahmood said...

@SS: lol I missed that... :)