Friday, September 17, 2010

A small tribute to Ismail Haniyyah

How I wish we had more leaders the like of Sheikh Ismail Haniyyah – a truly amazing personality, nay an amazingly humble Palestinian Prime Minister. I have read that the first Taraweeh Salaah (of Ramadhaan 1431) was performed by the Prime Minister himself at the Masjid-al-Gharbi! “It is unique to see the prime minister of a country lead the people in salaah and in khutbah...this is so admirable”. Admirable indeed!

It is certainly unfortunate that Sheikh Ismail is portrayed so negatively in the media (obviously the cliché ‘Terrorist-linked’ [c’mon- give me something new]) and even more unfortunate that he is conveniently excluded from those useless ‘peace-talks’. Have you ever searched for him on Wikipedia? Well, as expected, little about his personal life is mentioned; a much greater emphasis on his disputes, denials and deportations. But anyway, I think Sheikh Ismail rocks.

Before I end this little political discussion rant post , please check out this link regarding the actual opinions of Palestinians and ‘peace-talks’.

1 comment:

Humayda said...

I liked this political discussion rant post. :) Thanks for giving me an opinion on something i hadn't really thought about before. *blushes*